311 research outputs found

    Bubbling Calabi-Yau geometry from matrix models

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    We study bubbling geometry in topological string theory. Specifically, we analyse Chern-Simons theory on both the 3-sphere and lens spaces in the presence of a Wilson loop insertion of an arbitrary representation. For each of these three manifolds we formulate a multi-matrix model whose partition function is the vev of the Wilson loop and compute the spectral curve. This spectral curve is the reduction to two dimensions of the mirror to a Calabi-Yau threefold which is the gravitational dual of the Wilson loop insertion. For lens spaces the dual geometries are new. We comment on a similar matrix model which appears in the context of Wilson loops in AdS/CFT.Comment: 30 pages; v.2 reference added, minor correction

    Large N Duality, Lens Spaces and the Chern-Simons Matrix Model

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    We demonsrate that the spectral curve of the matrix model for Chern-Simons theory on the Lens space S^{3}/\ZZ_p is precisely the Riemann surface which appears in the mirror to the blownup, orbifolded conifold. This provides the first check of the AA-model large NN duality for T^{*}(S^{3}/\ZZ_p), p>2.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Exact Results in ABJM Theory from Topological Strings

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    Recently, Kapustin, Willett and Yaakov have found, by using localization techniques, that vacuum expectation values of Wilson loops in ABJM theory can be calculated with a matrix model. We show that this matrix model is closely related to Chern-Simons theory on a lens space with a gauge supergroup. This theory has a topological string large N dual, and this makes possible to solve the matrix model exactly in the large N expansion. In particular, we find the exact expression for the vacuum expectation value of a 1/6 BPS Wilson loop in the ABJM theory, as a function of the 't Hooft parameters, and in the planar limit. This expression gives an exact interpolating function between the weak and the strong coupling regimes. The behavior at strong coupling is in precise agreement with the prediction of the AdS string dual. We also give explicit results for the 1/2 BPS Wilson loop recently constructed by Drukker and TrancanelliComment: 18 pages, two figures, small misprints corrected and references added, final version to appear in JHE

    The Spectral Curve of the Lens Space Matrix Model

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    Following hep-th/0211098 we study the matrix model which describes the topological A-model on T^{*}(S^{3}/\ZZ_p). We show that the resolvent has square root branch cuts and it follows that this is a p cut single matrix model. We solve for the resolvent and find the spectral curve. We comment on how this is related to large N transitions and mirror symmetry.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, typos corrected, comments adde

    Nonperturbative effects and nonperturbative definitions in matrix models and topological strings

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    We develop techniques to compute multi-instanton corrections to the 1/N expansion in matrix models described by orthogonal polynomials. These techniques are based on finding trans-series solutions, i.e. formal solutions with exponentially small corrections, to the recursion relations characterizing the free energy. We illustrate this method in the Hermitian, quartic matrix model, and we provide a detailed description of the instanton corrections in the Gross-Witten-Wadia (GWW) unitary matrix model. Moreover, we use Borel resummation techniques and results from the theory of resurgent functions to relate the formal multi-instanton series to the nonperturbative definition of the matrix model. We study this relation in the case of the GWW model and its double-scaling limit, providing in this way a nice illustration of various mechanisms connecting the resummation of perturbative series to nonperturbative results, like the cancellation of nonperturbative ambiguities. Finally, we argue that trans-series solutions are also relevant in the context of topological string theory. In particular, we point out that in topological string models with both a matrix model and a large N gauge theory description, the nonperturbative, holographic definition involves a sum over the multi-instanton sectors of the matrix modelComment: 50 pages, 12 figures, comments and references added, small correction

    Holographic Coulomb Branch Flows with N=1 Supersymmetry

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    We obtain a large, new class of N=1 supersymmetric holographic flow backgrounds with U(1)^3 symmetry. These solutions correspond to flows toward the Coulomb branch of the non-trivial N=1 supersymmetric fixed point. The massless (complex) chiral fields are allowed to develop vevs that are independent of their two phase angles, and this corresponds to allowing the brane to spread with arbitrary, U(1)^2 invariant, radial distributions in each of these directions. Our solutions are "almost Calabi-Yau:" The metric is hermitian with respect to an integrable complex structure, but is not Kahler. The "modulus squared" of the holomorphic (3,0)-form is the volume form, and the complete solution is characterized by a function that must satisfy a single partial differential equation that is closely related to the Calabi-Yau condition. The deformation from a standard Calabi-Yau background is driven by a non-trivial, non-normalizable 3-form flux dual to a fermion mass that reduces the supersymmetry to N=1. This flux also induces dielectric polarization of the D3-branes into D5-branes.Comment: 22 pages; harvmac. Typos corrected;small improvements in presentatio

    Unquenched flavor and tropical geometry in strongly coupled Chern-Simons-matter theories

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    We study various aspects of the matrix models calculating free energies and Wilson loop observables in supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theories on the three-sphere. We first develop techniques to extract strong coupling results directly from the spectral curve describing the large N master field. We show that the strong coupling limit of the gauge theory corresponds to the so-called tropical limit of the spectral curve. In this limit, the curve degenerates to a planar graph, and matrix model calculations reduce to elementary line integrals along the graph. As an important physical application of these tropical techniques, we study N=3 theories with fundamental matter, both in the quenched and in the unquenched regimes. We calculate the exact spectral curve in the Veneziano limit, and we evaluate the planar free energy and Wilson loop observables at strong coupling by using tropical geometry. The results are in agreement with the predictions of the AdS duals involving tri-Sasakian manifoldsComment: 32 pages, 7 figures. v2: small corrections, added an Appendix on the relation with the approach of 1011.5487. v3: further corrections and clarifications, final version to appear in JHE

    Generalized Kaehler Potentials from Supergravity

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    We consider supersymmetric N=2 solutions with non-vanishing NS three-form. Building on worldsheet results, we reduce the problem to a single generalized Monge-Ampere equation on the generalized Kaehler potential K recently interpreted geometrically by Lindstrom, Rocek, Von Unge and Zabzine. One input in the procedure is a holomorphic function w that can be thought of as the effective superpotential for a D3 brane probe. The procedure is hence likely to be useful for finding gravity duals to field theories with non-vanishing abelian superpotential, such as Leigh-Strassler theories. We indeed show that a purely NS precursor of the Lunin-Maldacena dual to the beta-deformed N=4 super-Yang-Mills falls in our class.Comment: "38 pages. v3: improved exposition and minor mistakes corrected in sec. 4

    Supergravity Instabilities of Non-Supersymmetric Quantum Critical Points

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    Motivated by the recent use of certain consistent truncations of M-theory to study condensed matter physics using holographic techniques, we study the SU(3)-invariant sector of four-dimensional, N=8 gauged supergravity and compute the complete scalar spectrum at each of the five non-trivial critical points. We demonstrate that the smaller SU(4)^- sector is equivalent to a consistent truncation studied recently by various authors and find that the critical point in this sector, which has been proposed as the ground state of a holographic superconductor, is unstable due to a family of scalars that violate the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound. We also derive the origin of this instability in eleven dimensions and comment on the generalization to other embeddings of this critical point which involve arbitrary Sasaki-Einstein seven manifolds. In the spirit of a resurging interest in consistent truncations, we present a formal treatment of the SU(3)-invariant sector as a U(1)xU(1) gauged N=2 supergravity theory coupled to one hypermultiplet.Comment: 46 page